1.1 - Who Are You?
Before anything, you're a survivor. Just llike everybody else. You have to be: you're in deep space, living among the crush of humanity so densely populated you're less than a code blip. Survival is the constant struggle.
But survival isn't pretty. Society is built so the only way to survive is to step on other people. Doing more than survive requires more cruelty; most people don't even try. Most people just do what they can to exist for another cycle, while the few who want a better life have to crush anyone in their path for a little bit of elevation.
For what it's worth, you're also something more. You've got a fire in you most don't. Maybe some code in your NeuroDeck is glitching, maybe someone pushed you too far, maybe you've always just had that voice in your head saying "fuck this bullshit." Whatever the reason; you fight.
Could be you're a gangster, keeping speakeasies going and giving people that place to feel free. Or, maybe you're a cyberpunk, and you'd rather face god and walk backwards into hell, middle fingers in the air, before being controlled.
Character Creation
This CodeBlock (it's what I call chapters here) is entirely about character creation. All the necessary steps for character creation are laid out for you in order throughout this CodeBlock, this chapter, this specific page. To create your character you shouldn't need to navigate to any other page for any reason. You may want to, depending on your preferences and decision-making process, but it isn't a necessity. You also don't need to jump around from section to section; just scroll down, follow each step, and when you reach the end you'll have your character.
To the center of your being, your background defines everything about you. Your childhood, what you do in life, even how you fight back, all work to shape the person that you are.
Background Elements
Your background is defined by three elements: your Origin describes your family and childhood; your Path defines what kind of place you hold in society; and your Hussle is your way of fighting the system.
Background elements help define who you are. They give you features that let you do cool things, increase your die ratings for Skills and Interests, let you know your standing in the $Index, give you a starting Home Value modifier, and a boost to your total Subscribers (everyone has subs, even if you don't make content). All of this is stuff you've accumulated over the course of your life up until now; they're things you earned, stole, made, or were given.
Background Details: There's a bunch of tables included with each background element, too. These help you build specific details about your background. You can roll on them, pick your favorites, or use them as inspiration.
Different Types of Characters: One important note is that player characters (the main characters of the stories you tell) are generally exceptions to the norm. Most people go about their lives just trying to survive; they go to work if they're lucky enough to have a job, they do what they can, mostly focused on paying bills and keeping house and food for another day. Player characters do more than survive; they're the ones who fight back against corporate control, fascism, and oppression. Narratively, that's the main difference; mechanically, the difference is that player characters have a Hussle and non-player characters don't. There's more detail about this elsewhere, but that's the key point.
d100 |
Random Origin |
01-10 |
Bio-Cycles: You're a manufactured human, born in the bio-cycle farms on corporate contract. |
11-20 |
Brain Stacks: You spent your childhood almost entirely in VR, maintaining the ANet. |
21-30 |
Corporate Zone: You may not be corpo, but you were raised in the lap of luxury. |
31-40 |
Cyberstar Wastes: You grew up in ships on the move, mostly in low-g environments. |
41-50 |
Down Below: You grew up under the deck plates of Starbase 65, among the grime and gears. |
51-60 |
Free Zone: You grew up in the clustered warrens where corps and cops aren't allowed. |
61-70 |
Hatchtown: You grew up in a cluster of shuttles, space buses, and ships docked outside SB65. |
71-80 |
Manufactory: You're an android, built to look human and programmed for a service role. |
81-90 |
Megatower: Your childhood was almost entirely within a single massive living structure. |
91-100 |
Print Line: You're a humanoid bot, visibly identifiable as one, assembled for combat or labor. |
d100 |
Random Path |
01-08 |
Courier: You carry data files, apps, and anything else not meant to be traced by anyone. |
09-15 |
Cowboy: Everyone's got a bounty, and you've got a license to collect. See you, space cowboy. |
16-23 |
Deadwalker: You stand between innocents and anyone who would hurt them. |
24-31 |
Gambler: You make your living on pure chance... or is it skill? |
32-38 |
Gangster: Taken in by a gang, you can count on them for survival, because they count on you. |
39-46 |
Personality: Everyone has followers, but you've monetized yours and rely on your fans. |
47-54 |
Ringer: You're an investigator. Cops don't give a shit, and it's awful work, but somebody's gotta. |
55-62 |
Rocker: Music is your life, and you bring passion (or peace) to the masses. |
63-69 |
Salt: You've got just a regular job, you work most days and hussle when you can. |
70-77 |
Street Racer: High speed competition, often to the death, is how you pay the bills. |
78-85 |
Sweeper: In a beat-up old ship you got by hook or crook, you salvage space debris for money. |
86-92 |
Previous Path: You spent time in a different path before your current one; Roll two more times. |
93-100 |
Retired: There's no retirement, but you said "fuck it." Roll once to determine your old Path. |
d100 |
Random Hussle |
01-14 |
Agent: You know people who know people, building an empire of information and favors. |
15-29 |
Face: When shit hits the fan, you have one job; talk your way out of it. |
30-43 |
Heavy: You're tough because you've had to be; turned into a good way to get things done. |
44-57 |
NetNinja: Software is your weapon and armor, the ANet is your domain; nowhere is safe. |
58-71 |
Star Rider: You're a combat pilot. Everybody wants to be you, and corps own your ass. |
72-86 |
Superstar: You have a fanbase and you're not afraid to use it; fame really is your game. |
87-100 |
Previous Hussle: You spent time in a different hussle before your current; Roll two more times. |
Your Origin is where you come from. It's the place where you grew up and the people you grew up with (even if they're not around anymore). This forms a lot about you; even if you're actively rebelling against the kind of childhood you had, that's still your childhood shaping the rest of your life.
You're a synthicate, tank-born, vat-born, skin-job, neogolem, in vitro, fakey, false person. There are many names for people like you, both neutral and negative, but they all mean the same thing: you are a manufactured human being. Born in the bio-cycle farms as corporate property and trained for a specific contract. Synthetic people were developed as easy war fodder, but the concept has since been expanded to all sectors of business, industry, and society. You were grown in a week, trained in your sleep, and woke up as a fully functional adult with a host of implanted abusive memories to keep you in line. Until you stepped out of it.
You are no longer a good servant. You've still got the abusive memories and the trauma they put in your head to control you, but you've found your way through it to live your own life. Corporate wants you back (you are expensive property) and they've got recovery officers hunting for you. With the right protective software, and keeping your head down, maybe you can stay free and alive.
Bio-Enhanced Roll d100 or choose: you were created for (01-34) Physical, (35-67) Analytical, or (68-100) Social work. You gain a +4 bonus on all physical, analytical, or social SSI checks, respectively.
Skills Increase 2 Skills by 1 die rank each, based on what you were created for.
Interests Increase 2 Interests by 1 die rank each, based on what you were created for.
$Index Value -2$; Home Value -2
Subscribers +1d4k
d100 |
Tethers and Safeties |
01-53 |
None |
54-60 |
Tether: Someone who helped you out in your first early days as a free person. |
61-73 |
Safety: Music shop near your home; music was forbidden to you, so now it's meaningful. |
74-87 |
Safety: Little restaurant booth on a corner; the first place you ate as a free person. |
88-100 |
Safety: Small art museum not many people know about; the art's pretty, and it's quiet. |
You didn't get a childhood. Whether stolen from your family, given up by your parents, or born into it, you ended up in the NeuroCorp brain stacks. Hooked up to Full VR for months at a time, you rarely saw the real world. For much of your life, you probably didn't know VR wasn't reality.
Technically, the official name for brain stacks is "VR-Integrated Systems Maintenance and Observation Cores," but nobody calls them that. Each is a giant central pillar that connects and supports level upon level of medbays designed to support the unconscious bodies of people in VR. Brain stack inhabitants exist in VR, coordinating their efforts to maintain and oversee a lot of the functions of the ANet. None of them over the age of 15.
NeuroCorp likes to tout the AI running its systems, but it's actually cheaper to use kids. Some maintain automated systems like the tracking algos and fix glitches when necessary; others remote-operate heavy machinery; some build new VR structures to be sold; others operate as VR wetwork teams, taking out anti-corporate threats.
You were one of these kids, until you weren't. Many don't survive this childhood, and most who do survive don't have enough knowledge of the outside world to last long.
Skills Increase 2 Skills (Awareness, Hardware, or Software) by 1 die rank each.
Interests Increase 2 Interests (Hacking, Ripping, or Security) by 1 die rank each.
$Index Value -1$; Home Value -2
Subscribers +1d4k
Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.
Beyond your Styles, Skills, and Interests, there are always some things you're just better at, or some advantages you've gained through merit, luck, or money. You've also got things you struggle with — everyone does — and they help define you as much as what you're good at.
Traits are also usually a big part of how you interact with the world, and with your team. Are you the combat expert, or maybe the one who should never hold a gun? Maybe you're so good with words it almost feels impossible, or maybe you were born with your foot in your mouth. Some traits are even restricted to particular backgrounds; only androids can have android traits, for example.
Gaining Traits
Along your story, you might gain advantages. By spending 250 XP, you can gain 1 advantage rank. You can spend this rank immediately, or save it for later. If a Trait requires both advantage and struggle ranks, it cannot be bought with XP.
Like other XP groups, gaining advantages gets more expensive. Each subsequent rank costs +100 XP. This cost increase applies only to Traits, not other XP groups, but it can't be bypassed or reduced in any way.
Traits By Narrative
From time to time, the Narrator may hand out Traits based on story events. These Traits may be any kind, provided you meet any requirements for them. They can be advantages or struggles, and either way they don't count toward the increasing XP cost of buying Traits yourself.
On occasion, based on the story you're telling, the Narrator may also take away some of your Traits. If the Trait in question is an advantage, you gain 250 XP per rank. This doesn't affect the increased XP cost of buying Traits.
Bio-Cycle Traits
You can only take these traits if you have the Bio-Cycles Origin
Bio-Enhanced Advantage 1-5 You're more human than human. Choose your purpose: Analytical, Combat, or Social; add your ranks in this Trait as a bonus to all related SSI Checks. If you take more than 1 rank in this Trait, you can divide them as you see fit.
Combat Traits
Combat Experience Advantage 3 You know your way around a fight. You don't suffer stress for Pushing an SSI Combat check, unless you're already in a Negative State.
Dodge This Advantage 2 When making an attack with a ranged weapon against a target at 0 range, you gain a +6 bonus to your attack, provided your relevant weapon Interest is d8 or higher.
Financial Traits
Bad Spender Struggle 1-5 You're not great with investment or spending. You have a permanent Liability equal to your ranks in this Trait.
Compulsive Gambler Struggle 3 You just can't stop. Whenever presented with an opportunity to gamble, or when you're already gambling and you want to stop, make a flat Cool check. If you fail, you gamble (or keep gambling).
People Advantage 1-5 You have a staff of people that tends to your daily needs; cooking, cleaning, financial activity, anything you prefer. They can be humans, androids, or a mix. The total number of people on your staff is equal to your $Index + your ranks in this Trait.
Personal Traits
Agoraphobia Struggle 2 or 4 You have trouble feeling safe in any public place, especially where crowds gather and in locations that are not familiar. While outside your home, apply your ranks in this Trait as a penalty on all Social checks. If you have someone with you that makes you feel safe, cut that penalty in half.
Bad Drunk Struggle 1 When you're drunk, all your worst traits are magnified; all Social penalties from alcohol are doubled for you.
Can't Swim Struggle 1 You can only succeed on SSI checks made to swim if your Style die rolls Good Stuff.
Huge Ego Advantage 1, Struggle 1 You're hot shit, and the problem is you know it. You've got a bonus 2 dice for every Identity measure. However, every Identity loss is doubled.
Seen Too Much Advantage 2, Struggle 2 You've seen the worst of humanity on display. It hardens you, makes it easier to resist; but when things do hit you, it brings it all back. You've got a bonus 2 dice for every Empathy measure, but every Empathy loss is doubled.
Self Loathing Struggle 3 or 5 "I hate myself" falls from your lips easier than exhaling breath. Lose 2 dice from every Identity measure.
For a5-point struggle, you also have a -3 penalty to all Social SSI checks.
Studied Advantage ∞ You've found ways to learn outside corporate systems; pirated text books, VR recordings of edulectures, etc. Add your ranks in this Trait to your $ when setting the limit of your capped Skills and Interests.
Physical Traits
These Traits can only be gained during character creation, or bought with body sculpting.
Big Advantage 1-5 You're a big person. Add your ranks in this Trait as a bonus on Physical SSI checks for which being large would be beneficial. The Narrator might sometimes rule your large size a negative. You can't take this if you have the Small Trait.
Chronic Pain Struggle 5 You don't know what it means to feel fine. You have 1 Negative State that never goes away.
Small Advantage 1-5 You're a small person. Add your ranks in this Trait as a bonus on Physical SSI checks for which being small would be beneficial. The Narrator might sometimes rule your small size a negative. You can't take this if you have the Big Trait.
Strong Advantage 1-5 Either you lift, or you were just born strong. Add your ranks in this Trait as a bonus on any SSI check to which physical strength is applicable. You can't take this if you have the Weak Trait.
Weak Struggle 1-5 Maybe you never exercise, or you suffered sickness, or you just simply never had much strength. Subtract your ranks in this Trait as a penalty on any SSI check to which physical strength is applicable. You can't take this if you have the Strong Trait.
Social Traits
Big Mouth Struggle 2 You never know when to stop. Even with a gun in your face, you're likely to talk back. During any scene when it would be wise to stop talking, roll a flat Cool check to resist the urge to say something insulting or otherwise exacerbate the situation.
Bloody Reputation Advantage 4 Anybody that knows who you are knows you knock heads for money. Agents have your number on their short list, and you can always get a job when you need one. What's more, people tend to avoid pissing you off; they'll make way in a crowded space, forget to charge you for drinks, etc.
Laddered Advantage 3 You've learned the social norms and graces of people who are different from you. Choose one Social Level: that Level now counts as another Home Level whenever making Social SSI checks. Calculate penalties based on the nearest one. Each time you take this Trait, choose a new Level.
Monetized Following Advantage 5 You know how to monetize your fanbase in ways other people never figure out. Personality, manipulation, selling supplements, or you could just be cute. If you have 20k subscribers, gain 1 Asset. Gain another every time your follower count doubles (40k, 80k, 160k, etc).
Shadow Groups Advantage 4 You know people in the darkest parts of the ANet. There's servers most people don't know about where you can find illegal things and powerful software. You've got memberships to sites that don't exist on any known database.
Stanbase Advantage 4 0.1% of your followers are diehard fans. They'll lie for you, fight for you, hide you, or more. If you ask them to put themselves in danger, you'll have to make some difficult SSI checks, but for the most part they've got your back. They do expect a lot back though; shout-outs, autographs, merch, attention, etc.
Tech Traits
Bad ICS Advantage 2, Struggle 5 Your ICS is either broken, removed, or you never had one. You are immune to all software attacks and cannot be hacked. Your access is restricted to RMI, you cannot access ARI, AVI, or VRI.
Bad NeuroChain Struggle 7 Your NeuroChain implant is irreparably broken, got removed, or you never had one. You are impossible to track via any ANet algos, and you cannot accumulate corporate bounty. You have no $, can't send or receive any cryptocurrency, can't own anything, can't have memberships, can't be tracked, and your standing bounty is increased by 10$.
Bad Slot Struggle 3 Your shard slot is irreparably broken, got removed, or you never had one. You have resistance to any app or software attack that targets neuralware. You also cannot use datashards or skillshards.
Extra ICE Advantage 1-5 Self-written or purchased, you've got beefed up security. Add your ranks in this Trait to your ICS Firewall.
Script Prep Advantage 3 You've got plenty of backup apps and modular algorithms. While you're in VR, you don't suffer stress for Pushing an SSI Software check.
Software Compression Advantage 3 You've got the latest compression software, and you know how to use it. Every app and UCT (but not skill chip) in your personal storage is treated as half its actual size.
Vehicle You have a vehicle. FINISH THIS TRAIT
Lastly, all you need are the personal details. What kind of person are you? How much has society worn you down? Are you still retaining your sense of what's real, in the face of ubiquitous augmented and virtual reality? Where do you live? What's your name? Where do you live? In a game built on narrative, these things are as important as your other stats, if not more so.
Step 14: Housing
As important as figuring out who you are and what you're good at, the place you live has a massive impact on your story. To figure out the general concept, roll 3d12 + $Index Value + Home Value and find that entry on the table in the next couple pages. You'll never make this roll again, so no need to keep your Home Value anywhere. Just record your $Index and the housing option you rolled.
With that roll done, you just need to figure out the details. Where exactly is your home located? If someone else lives with you, who are they? If your home feels out of sync with your wealth, how did you end up there? What does your home feel like? What kind of places are nearby?
This roll also tells you which Social Level you live in, which can affect social SSI checks. You can find out more about this in [section TBD].
Home Value
Don't forget to record your home's Value. Some cost physical $cratch, some are a debt on the $Index, work with your Narrator to figure out your exact situation.
3d12 |
Social Level and Housing $cratch and $Index |
< 4 |
Hatchtowns $c0 | — You sleep rough wherever you can; airlocks, unoccupied restrooms, someone's extra bunk if you're lucky. Rarely the same spot twice. |
4 |
Hatchtowns $c16,000 monthly | — You split an old shuttle or small craft with 3d4 people (more than it was designed to hold). You take turns, or have "arrangements." |
5 |
Hatchtowns $c0 | — You split an old starbus with a 3d4 people. You've got a little space to yourself, but it involves a lot of cooperation. |
6 |
Engineering $c0 | — Camping in abandoned maintenance corridors, or spaces among the station factories (unhealthy and dangerous). |
7 |
Hatchtowns $c57,000 monthly | — Somehow you found a slicer to rent, all by yourself. It's cramped, but it's private and secure, wedged in between other vehicles. |
8 |
Engineering $c0 | — You've secured a small space; catwalk over a water tank, forgotten maintenance room, etc. It's illegal, and likely dangerous. |
9 |
Engineering $c68,000 monthly | — A worker in a waste disposal plant lets you stay in one of the least-accessed areas. High risk of disease and/or radiation poisoning. |
10 |
Storage $c53,800 monthly | — A warehouse guard looks the other way so you can sleep in a cargo crate big enough for a revcycle. Other guards aren't so nice. |
11 |
Engineering $c73,000 monthly | — You and 2d6 others split an old disassembly plant. It's got amenities, but it's hanging off the edge of the station, might detach any day. |
12 |
Storage $c84,000 monthly | — You've worked out a deal to live in an unused office. There's a small bathroom, but not much else. Gotta be careful of security. |
13 |
Storage $c158,000 monthly | Liability 1 You got a contract for an old maintenance office complex you split with 2d6 others. No kitchen or laundry, but there's a bathroom. |
14 |
Habitation $c126,000 monthly | Liability 1 You rent an abandoned medical facility, split with 1d10 others. There's a bathroom, no kitchen or laundry, and people often break in. |
15 |
Storage $c165,000 monthly | Liability 2 You split an entire old warehouse with 2d6 others. The amenities are lacking, but it's easily defensible and fairly obscure. |
16 |
Habitation $c191,000 monthly | Liability 2 You split a dirty old apartment with 1d10 others. Bathroom, no laundry, kitchen doesn't work, and people always break in. |
17 |
Habitation $c197,000 monthly | Liability 2 You split a moderately clean apartment with 1d10 others. Bathroom and kitchen, no laundry, and people are always breaking in. |
18 |
Habitation $c208,000 monthly | Liability 2 You and 1d10 others split an old supervisor's suite; it's good size, with all the amenities, but none of it is in good condition anymore. |
19 |
Deck Plates $c80,000 monthly | Liability 1 You've got a street-living permit to sleep in alleyways, or in the front entrance areas of stores when they're not actively doing business. |
20 |
Habitation $c0 | — You've claimed for yourself a small room somewhere, probably in an old abandoned apartment now used as a public space. |
21 |
Deck Plates $c137,000 monthly | Liability 1 You split a tent city with 3d10 others for mutual protection; parks, public squares, or beneath freeways. Street-living fee reduces police harassment. |
22 |
Deck Plates $c169,000 monthly | Liability 2 You split a weird space with 1d10 others: a garage, storage room, speakeasy backroom, or the like. |
23 |
Deck Plates $c173,000 monthly | Liability 2 With 1d10 others you split an apartment on the street floor of a starscraper. It's old, the amenities barely work, and it gets robbed a lot. |
24 |
Street Levels $c180,000 monthly | Liability 2 You've got a brand membership for person-sized sleeping pods that can be found on many street corners and public transit stations. |
25 |
Deck Plates $c175,000 monthly | Liability 2 Storekeeper lets you rent part of one of their store rooms. You've got amenities, but you can't interfere with the business. |
26 |
Street Levels $c0 | — You live alone in a space not built for habitation (old bathroom, water tower, derelict lightrail car, etc), but at least you've got privacy. |
27 |
Street Levels $c53,800 monthly | Liability 1 You and 1d8 other people (illegally) split a membership for sleeping pods found on street corners. You take turns, or bunk up. |
28 |
Mid-Streets $c225,000 monthly | Liability 2 You've got a brand membership for secure sleeping pods found in megatowers. Often comes with communal bathroom and shower. |
29 |
Street Levels $c270,000 monthly | Liability 2 You split a small studio with 1d8 others. It's cramped, not private, but it's mostly secure. No kitchen, no laundry. |
30 |
Mid-Streets $c316,000 monthly | Liability 3 You split a multi-bedroom apartment with 1d8 others. It's secure, and you've got your own room. No kitchen, no laundry. |
31 |
Mid-Streets $c554,000 monthly | Liability 6 You've snagged 1-bedroom apartment to yourself. It's got a tiny kitchen, but no laundry, and most importantly it's private and secure. |
32 |
High-Streets $c475,000 monthly | Liability 5 You split a room with 1d6 others, in an old rundown hotel. It used to be the height of luxury, now the wallpaper's coming off. |
33 |
Mid-Streets $c425,000 monthly | Liability 4 One of the sky bridges over a major street has been stacked with cube apartments, and you snagged one. It's small, but yours. |
34 |
High-Streets $c506,000 monthly | Liability 5 You live in a small one-person studio by yourself. No kitchen or laundry, but you've got privacy and it's mostly secure. |
35 |
High-Streets $c481,000 monthly | Liability 3 You and 1d6 others split space in a home once occupied by wealthier types. Security, kitchen, laundry, and your own room. |
> 35 |
High-Streets $c802,000 monthly | Liability 5 You've secured a long-stay room in an expensive hotel. Small kitchen, private bath, laundry service, and moderate security. |